Crime Scene Inc Blog

Medical Waste Pickup and Removal Frederick MD

Medical Waste Collection Frederick MDMedical waste pick-up is a necessity in any dental clinic, medical office, medical laboratory, hospital, veterinary facility, nursing home or even emergency vehicles. Taking care of patients is the top priority and disposing of the waste associated should be put in the hands of a company that specializes in professional medical waste services.Maryland Recovery has been serving the Frederick, MD and surrounding areas for years, offering medical waste collection and pick-up. We take care of this so you can focus on your patients. Read Full Post

Sharps Pickup and Disposal Maryland

Maryland Sharps PickupNeedles are used for a lot of different medical procedures in clinics, hospitals and medical facilities every single day. They are used for children’s vaccines, to administer numbing medicine during dental procedures, to draw blood in hospitals and even in veterinary clinics. What happens to all of those used needles? Well, they cannot be disposed of in everyday trash facilities. After needles have been used, all sharps must be disposed of properly to keep you and your patients safe. Read Full Post