Crime Scene Inc Blog

Cleaning up crime scenes FAST

Cleaning up crime scenes FAST

After a violent crime, injuries and death could leave behind health dangers. Blood stains and any other bodily fluid left behind could transmit diseases if they are not taken care of quickly and appropriately. Learn More.

Maryland Crime Scene Cleaners

Crime Scene Cleaners MDSome estimates indicate that a violent crime occurs in our country approximately once every 25 seconds. A violent crime may be a homicide, robbery, rape, or aggravated assault. When a trauma occurs to a close friend or a member of your family, there are so many emotions to process and so many things to take care of for your loved one. One of the biggest and most difficult tasks to consider is the crime scene cleanup. If you find yourself needing this service, the best thing that you can do is hire a certified Maryland crime scene company to help. Read Full Post

Tear Gas Cleanup Baltimore Maryland

Baltimore MD Tear Gas CleanupThere are times in which law enforcement is forced to use tear gas as a method of keeping an area safe by subduing individuals who are not responding to usual communication strategies. Tear gas is a chemical that actually stimulates glands in the eyes to cause tears. It also can cause vomiting, pain and even temporary blindness. Tear gas is effective in containing a very volatile situation but also leaves behind chemicals and residue that can be extremely difficult to get rid of. Read Full Post