Crime Scene Inc Blog

Blood Cleanup Southern New Jersey

Southern New Jersey Blood CleanupWhere you find blood, you also are likely to find that a traumatic event occurred in that location. It could have been a trauma, a crime, suicide attempt, or simply an accident. Once the victim has been taken care of, it is time to turn attention to cleaning up the scene of the trauma. This is never an easy process, and one that is best left to a team of professionals, for many reasons. Maryland Recovery specializes in blood cleanup in Southern New Jersey and the surrounding area. Read Full Post

Blood Cleanup Washington DC

Blood Cleanup Services Washington DCBlood is vital to the existence of mankind. It courses through your veins bringing with it life itself. Human blood and other body fluids are considered potentially infectious materials that may also carry disease causing bloodborne pathogens. Proper Blood Cleanup Protocol must be strictly followed in the case of a serious accident or blood loss event. Crime Scene Inc. is a team of professionals in the Washington DC community. We provide Blood Cleanup Services including… Read Full Post